Friday, 19 January 2018

A Hashish Addict's Words of Wisdom

Critical response is a curious thing. The screening of Twice Upon A Time lead to varied reactions, like

Tonight the Doctor died, Thank you BBC you are guilty of MURDER!!!!

which are about as proportionate and reasonable as one would expect. However, as usual, Jared "No Nickname" Hansen produced some manna from heaven, easily worth reproducing here:

The greatest aftermath of the Christmas Truce of 1914 would need to be the survival of A.H Lethbridge Stewart, VC MC(and bar), DSO, KGS who went on to amass 53 confirmed kills, and 17 confirmed pre-mortem one-liners against the Hun.

The unassuming gentleman, later to be known as "The Butcher of Pozieres", was infamous for his use of five full rounds of MG fire into vulnerable, flanking positions.

After his passing Commander in Chief Douglas Haigh, speaking at his funeral, commented that his old friend possessed "the cold, dead eyes of a killer"

Though his own children were derided as 'jessies', his youngest grandson Alistair was apparently chosen in Lethbridge-Stuart's old age as 'a worthy', and taken into the basement of the family home to 'harden up'.

Child Protection Services investigated the case, but abandoned it when they found themselves confronted by a six year old with a fully function AA station, machine gun emplacement and a platoon of toddlers armed with Martini Enfield rifles.

And I've never read a truer word spoken.

Friday, 5 January 2018

Annulled Annuals

And to complement my Audio Annual Adapation Amalgam, coming soon to blogs near this one, here are the covers to the six stories in the series...