Wednesday, 20 April 2022

Terrance Dicks Describes...

That mysterious traveller in space and time known as the Doctor.
A white-haired proud-looking man in checked trousers, old fashioned boots and a frock-coat worn with a cravat and a high wing collar over which he wore a long fur-collared cloak fastened at the neck, a striped scarf and an oddly-shaped fur hat. His whole appearance, shabby, scholarly, with a pronounced nineteenth-century family solicitor feel to it. He appeared to be somewhere in his sixties, though in reality he was very much older. His old face was heavily lined and wrinkled, yet somehow alert and vital at the same time. The blue eyes were bright with fierce intelligence. The commanding beak of the nose gave the old man a haughty, imperious air. He was full of dignity, power, and a touch of cranky bad temper with more than a touch of ruthless cunning.
An odd-looking middle-aged little man in eccentric and colourful clothing: ill-fitting, shabby ancient frock coat, which he wore with a wide-collared white shirt and a straggly bow tie, and rather baggy and tattered check trousers supported by wide, elaborately patterned braces. Untidy black hair hung in a fringe over his deeply-lined whimsical face, his dark blue eyes seemed wise, gentle, funny and sad all at the same time. 

A tall, lean debonair man with bright blue eyes blazing with energy and intelligence out of a deeply-lined, curiously young-old handsome and autocratic face and a mane of prematurely-white hair. He wore narrow trousers, an elegant burgundy velvet smoking jacket with an open-necked ruffled shirt, under a rather flamboyant flowing checkered cloak.
A very tall man with a tangled mop of wild curly hair and wide, staring bright blue eyes in a mobile intelligent face. He was untidily dressed in loose, comfortable Bohemian-looking clothes (coordinated in rich burgundy velvet), a long loose elegant tweed overcoat cut in a vaguely Edwardian style with an open-necked flannel shirt, gaily-checked waistcoat and corduroy trousers. An impossibly long multicoloured woolly scarf was wound around his neck and a battered, black broad-brimmed soft hat was jammed precariously on the back of his head.
A slender, slightly-built, fair-haired young man with a pleasant open face, and an air of mildly-bemused curiosity and deceptively mild ingenuity about him. His clothes were those of a gentleman cricketer from Earth's Edwardian era: striped trousers, fawn frock-coat blazer with red piping, a white cricketing sweater in red and an open-necked shirt. There was a fresh sprig of celery in his lapel buttonhole.
A tall, strongly built man with a slight tendency towards overweight. He had a roundish face, arrogant mouth full-lipped and sensual, crowned with an unruly mop of curly fair hair, with an obstinate chin and a jutting beak of a nose, with a broad high forehead and a hint of something catlike about the eyes. A solid, powerful figure exuding confidence, energy, strength and anger and assertiveness. His extravagant clothes included vivid yellow trousers, a multi-coloured coat in which reds, yellows, greens, purples and pinks fought for dominance and clashed horribly, a bright red flowing cravat with large white spots. The quietly-tasteful ensemble was finished off with green boots surmounted by orange spats.
An unimpressive figure, small, dark-haired and not-particularly handsome, his only distinctive feature was his penetrating keen grey eyes. His undistinguished clothes were some shabby check trousers, a brown sports jacket with a garish Fair Isle pullover. He wore a jaunty battered straw hat and clutched a red-handled umbrella.
A tall, extraordinarily-handsome, piercingly-blue-eyed man with longish brown curly hair wearing old-fashioned, vaguely-Edwardian clothes: a long velvet coat, a wing-collared white shirt and a grey velvet cravat, an ornately embroidered waistcoat, and tailored grey trousers. He looked handsome, dashing and elegant. 
A tall, thin, youngish man with untidy dark hair wearing a rather scruffy pinstriped suit.

A slender, pretty girl of about sixteen, tall for her age, wearing denim dungarees. She had short dark hair framing a rather elfin face and big dark eyes.

A cheerful-looking open-faced young man somewhere in his twenties in the traditional sports jacket and flannels of the schoolmaster, complete with collar and tie and a handkerchief in the top pocket.

A slim dark-haired young woman somewhere in her twenties in slacks and a crisp white blouse, with a face that would have been even prettier without being set in her habitual expression of mild disapproval. No child would have been very surprised to learn that she was, or rather had been, a school teacher.
A tough-looking young Cockney sailor in jeans and a check shirt.

A strikingly pretty girl with long blonde hair, wearing a very long jacket and a very short skirt in some light-coloured material, the outfit completed by high white boots.

A pleasant-looking, brawny truculent young Scottish Highlander wearing a dark shirt and a battledress tunic over a kilt.

A small, dark girl wearing the long, flowing dresses of her own age.

A very small, very neat, very precise girl with with a fringe of short dark hair over an attractive elfin, pixie-like face wearing the simple, functional clothes of her time, all in shining colourful plasticloth.

A tall man with a clipped military moustache, wearing the immaculate uniform of a Brigadier.

A tall, burly handsome young soldier. A fine figure in military uniform, completely fearless and utterly loyal.

Extremely intelligent, and good-looking in a rather severe sort of way, she was serious-looking young woman with reddish-brown auburn hair, wearing a blue jacket, a rather incongruously frivolous-looking mini-skirt, and a bright red blouse.

A very small, very pretty fair-haired blue-eyed girl trendily-dressed in high boots and a striped woolen mini-dress, who looked as if she should still be at school.
A tall, fair-haired, thin-faced young army officer, a good deal tougher than he looked.

An attractive, slender dark-haired girl wearing fashionable casual, late twentieth-century clothes.

A handsome broad-shouldered young brawny man conventionally dressed in blazer and flannels. His handsome face with its square jaw, frank blue eyes, curly hair and hearty manner, gave him the rather dated good looks of the hero of an old-fashioned Boy’s Own Paper adventure yarn.

She was tall and strong, with brown eyes and long reddish-brown hair, a broad clear forehead and a firm chin. She wore a brief costume of animal skins exposing arms and legs that were brown and smoothly muscular. She moved with panther-like grace and her hand was never far from the heavy fighting knife in her belt.

A small mobile computer who just happened to look like a sort of squared-off metal dog with a computer display screen for eyes, disc aerials for ears, a long thin antenna for a tail, and a strip of computer-printout
papers sprouting from its mouth rather like a very long tongue. The electronic voice was gruff and metallic.

A tall, dark-haired, elegantly beautiful young woman wearing a simple classical dress.

Aristocratically beautiful, she was a small, neatly-dressed and thoroughly-composed young woman with long fair hair above an impressively high-domed forehead and, quite unconsciously, a haughtily superior air.

A smallish, dark-haired, snub-nosed, round-faced young man in a yellow tunic, wearing an expression of cheerful impudence.

A brown-haired girl with fine, rather aristocratic features wearing a kind of velvet trouser-suit with elaborately puffed sleeves. The product of a highly technological society, and a bio-electronics expert in her own right.

An small, slender attractive Australian girl with close-cropped dark auburn hair. She wore (a) uniform skirt and blouse (b) shorts, matching jacket, and a camisole top (c) a vivid, rainbow-coloured dress. She was an
Australian air-hostess, whose involvement with the Doctor had taken her on journeys far beyond the routes of any airline.

Thin-faced, red-haired, and good-looking in a faintly untrustworthy way, he wore the dark blazer, flannels, and straggly striped tie of the perpetual public schoolboy. There was something a little off-key about Turlough, a hint of the shifty and unreliable. He looked as if he might be the school bully – or the school sneak.

An attractive, dark-haired young American woman, her piquant features framed in short dark hair.

A tall round-faced girl with dark brown hair, wearing a badge-covered bomber jacket.

An attractive dark-skinned young girl.

The incongruous shape of an old London police box used for a time on the planet Earth, a rectangular blue affair with small square windows set high in the sides and a blue light flashing busily on top. Above the door were the words Police Box in white lettering, with Public Call sandwiched between in smaller letters. Four square and solid, the battered call box looked sad and lost and completely out of place.

An impossibly-huge brightly-lit ultra-modern oddly-shaped control room, dominated by a complex many-sided control console in the centre, an affair of complicated-looking instrument panels covered with a complex array of knobs, switches, levers and dials, all arranged around a transparent centre column, itself packed with glowing electronic circuitry. Various odds and ends were dotted about the gleaming room: a hatstand, a number old-fashioned chairs, some rather odd-looking statues like some kind of bird on top of a tall column.

A strange, unearthly mechanical wailing roar, a wheezing and groaning like the sound of some powerful but rather ancient engine creaking into life.

A tall, dark, satanically-handsome young man with a long thin moustache and a harsh, grating voice.

A medium-sized, compactly but powerfully-built figure with a sallow complexion, a darkly-handsome face with heavy eyebrows, deep-set burning eyes radiating energy and power, and a neatly-trimmed pointed black beard. He wore a neat dark suit, with a high-collared jacket and his voice was deep and cultured hypnotic voice, full of authority, with a tinge of some unidentifiable accent.

A loathsome cloaked and hooded figure that was both wizened and decayed, the ravaged body as worn out as the tattered robes so all that was left was a wasted, walking corpse, twisted and malformed. The cracked, wizened skin was stretched tight over the skull, one eye almost closed, the other wide open and glaring madly from the crumbling ruin of a face and blackened, bloodless lips drew back in a ghastly chuckle. The voice was a deep, sibilant rasp, sinister and silky. One skeletal claw-like hand reached out that might have belonged to a mummified corpse, withered skin stretched tight across the bones.

A tall figure, elegant in black velvet, his arrogantly handsome features set off by a neatly pointed black beard and short gloss black hair. The blackness of clothes, hair and beard contrasted with the whiteness of his skin. The deep musical voice had an insolently amused undertone like the purr of a great black cat.

A tall, lean, gaunt-faced figure, somber and malignant, wearing the long cloak, high-collared tunic and skull-cap-like helmet of a Time Lord Court official. He had a deep, harshly resonant voice that rolled the legal jargon around his tongue with all the relish of a gourmet savouring a perfect meal.

There was a whirring sound a gleaming metal creature with a rounded base. The squat body was constructed of heavily studded metal panels in a pepper-pot shape. A metal arm with a curious sucker-like tip jutted from the front and next to that was a gun stick. The top was a dome from which projected a constantly-swiveling eye-lens on a kind of metal stalk. The metallic screeching voice was harsh and grating.

The shattered, ruined remnant of what had once been a man, slumped back in a kind of elaborate wheelchair that moved under its own power, speaking in a harsh rusty voice, filteredfiltered through some mechanical reproduction to be almost inhuman. The withered old husk of a body was wrapped in a high-collared plastic coverall, and surrounded by what looked like an astonishing variety of life-support systems. Only one hand was visible, a withered claw hovering constantly over a set of controls built into the wide arm of the chair. The face was the most horrifying thing of all: parchment-thin skin clung to to the outlines of a shriveled skull, the eyes were blank sunken pits, the mouth a thin, cruel lipless gash. Wires and plastic tubes formed a helmet-like arrangement suspended over the head, supporting a single lens that rested in the center of the forehead. . The man could have been only barely alive, more machine than man. Lungs, heart, speech, hearing, sight—everything must have been mechanically or electronically aided. Helpless in his chair, Davros should have been pitiful. Instead, he was terrifying. You could almost feel the burning intelligence, the powerful, inflexible will that radiated from the crippled form.

Giant silver figures, seven foot tall or more, with terrifyingly blank masks parodying human faces with, small round circles for eyes and thin letter-box slits for mouths. Above the forehead was what looked like some kind of lamp, two handle-like projections took the place of ears, and a complicated chest-unit occupied the front of the massive bodies. There was no real difference between helmet and body and clothes, all made out of the same uniform silvery material that might have been either metal or plastic. Immensely strong, they were passionless, emotionless, tireless, and almost invulnerable, interested only in power and in conquest. There were weapons in the Cyberman’s hands, plain foot-long metal rods with white cylinders on the end. There was no emotion in the mechanical voice. Cybermen do not have feelings.

A towering giant, its massive body covered with scaly green hide that was ridged and plated like that of a crocodile. Its huge helmet-like head, ridged at the crown, showed a lipless scaly-skinned lower jaw, and its two insectoid huge eyes were like blank, black, glass screens. Its huge hands were like crude, powerful clamps, which had built onto its top a kind of tubular nozzle. Although equally large, the Ice Lord was built on slenderer, more graceful lines than his tank-like troops. He moved more easily, and in particular his mouth and jaw were differently made, less of a piece with the helmet-like head. While the other Ice Warriors grunted and hissed in monosyllables, the Ice Lord spoke clearly and fluently, though there was still the characteristic Martian sibilant voice.

They were short and squat with immensely wide shoulders, broad powerful limbs, and great dome-shaped helmets atop massive metal neck collars with matching shining silvery armour. They gave an impression of tremendous, compact power and spoke in strangely-accented English. The leader of the three figures removed his helmet to reveal a face from some ancient nightmare. The head was huge and round and it seemed to emerge directly from the massive shoulders. The hairless skull was greeny-brown and small red eyes were set deep in cavernous sockets. The nose was a snubby pig-like snout, the wide mouth a long lipless slit. It was a face from one of Earth’s dark legends, the face of a goblin or a troll.

Massive figures marching in strict military formation wearing gleaming black battle armour, long metal-studded leather tunics, huge boots, belts hung with weapons and enormous black domed helmets.It held a blaster in its gloved fist and from within the dark helmet came a deep, rumbling voice. The impressive enormous head with thick grey, ridged skin like that of a rhino. There were two horns, the higher one small, the lower larger, jutting from the centre of the face. The nostrils were flared, and the wide lipless mouth covered rows of yellow teeth that looked like tombstones. Two funny little ears crowned the high, domed forehead. Most striking of all were the slanting brown eyes that were strangely intelligent and somehow sad.

Immensely tall, robed figures with brown-skin, with great crested heads and huge bulging eyes. Their reptilian origin was evidenced in their slow, almost stately movements and coldly-measured, calm and dignified deep speech-tones.

Man-shaped, immensely tall, with tough corrugated scaly skin, a reptilian blunt-snouted head and great staring eyes, the creature wore some kind of armoured jerkin. One mighty clawed hand help up a circular torch-like device. Simpler and more streamlined than their Silurian cousins, they were also more savage - their innate ferocity made them terrifying opponents.

A giant shaggy robot-beast well over seven feet tall, but its immensely broad body made it seem squat and lumpy. It had two huge clawed furry feet, the huge hands of a gorilla, the savage yellow fangs and fierce red eyes of a grizzly bear. It let out a low, sinister bloodthirsty growl and a sudden, shattering roar...

Squat, powerful figure about the size of a small man. Orange-green in colour, it had small, claw-like hands and feet. There was no neck: the big high-domed head seemed to grow directly from the bulbous torso. The face was terrifyingly alien, with huge, malevolent green eyes and a small, puckered mouth. A row of protuberances ran down its back. When it spoke, its voice had a hissing, gurgling quality. The really horrible thing about the creature was that it seemed to be a grotesque, evil baby.

Saturday, 9 April 2022

Chibnall Era Summary

The Woman Who Fell To Earth by Chris Chibnall
I've regenerated. The difference is purely perceptual.

The new Doctor finds Sheffield is being used as a hunting ground by alien headhunters.

The Ghost Monument by Chris Chibnall
What are you competing for? I mean, the whole point of a race is to win something. What's the prize?

The Doctor and her friends must survive on the planet Desolation long enough to find the TARDIS.

Rosa by Malorie Blackman
Who am I to argue with history?

Krasko, a criminal from the 51st century, travels back in time to prevent the civil rights movement.

Arachnids in the UK by Chris Chibnall
They're only spiders. They're only spiders...

A plague of giant spiders converges on a new hotel in Sheffield.

The Tsuranga Conundrum by Chris Chibnall
My submission concerns a crisis which threatens the lives not only of a group of people confined together with no means of escape, but would, if unresolved, threaten every mortal being on the planet Earth...

The TARDIS crew are trapped on a space ambulance under threat from the deadly Pting.

Demons of the Punjab by Vinay Patel
Man is the most vicious species of all. Consider their history. For a half a million years they have been systematically killing each other.

Yaz asks the Doctor to take her back to the partition of India to solve a family mystery, for better or worse.

by Peter McTighe
They did what I told them, but only because that gave them the power, you see? They pretend we control them, but really... but really...

Human staff at the intergalactic android-delivery service Kerblam! are mysteriously disappearing.

The Witchfinders by Joy Wilkinson
You say they come from another planet. Well then, what's all this jazz about witchcraft and covens and so on?

The Doctor finds her new gender a disadvantage when she tries to prevent mass slaughter of "witches".

It Takes You Away by Ed Hime
Ever look in a mirror and think you're seeing a whole other world? Well, this time it's not an illusion.

Helping a blind girl find her missing father leads the TARDIS crew to a completely different universe.

The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos by Chris Chibnall
Hidden away in your mountain retreat eating other people's perfectly good planets, where's the derring-do in that?

The return of old enemies threatens to tear the TARDIS crew apart as whole planets go missing.

Resolution by Chris Chibnall
One Dalek is capable of exterminating all!

A Dalek scout is unwittingly resurrected on New Year's Day and goes on the rampage.

Spyfall by Chris Chibnall
I have you in my power absolutely - but I will see your face before I destroy you forever!

A global strike on Earth's secret services alerts Team TARDIS to an invasion from another universe.

Orphan 55 by Ed Hime
Don't get emotional? This cinder we're standing on is all that's left of my world! Everything I knew!

The Tranquility Spa is under threat from the inhabitants of the abandoned Earth it is built on.

Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror by Nina Metivier
People never can see what's under their noses and above their heads.

When aliens come to recruit Earth's greatest inventor, Thomas Edison is put out to find they're after someone else.

Fugitive of the Judoon by Vinay Patel & Chris Chibnall
Have you enjoyed it, Doctor, being human? Has it taught you wonderful things? Are you better, richer, wiser?

A routine extradition attempt by the Judoon leaves the Doctor questioning both her future and her past.

Praxeus by Pete McTighe & Chris Chibnall
There's something about this epidemic that I don't quite understand. It's not like a real disease at all. It's almost as if...

A missing astronaut, a sunken submarine and a warm of possessed birds are clues to a biological threat to the Earth.

Can You Hear Me? by Charlene James & Chris Chibnall
A dream? Really, Doctor, you'll be consulting the entrails of a sheep next!

Team TARDIS are plagued by nightmares which could be cries for help from a captive god.

The Haunting of Villa Diodati by Maxine Alderton & Chris Chibnall
Time's in flux, changing every second. Your cozy little world can be rewritten like that. Nothing is safe.

The Doctor and her friends decide to visit Mary Shelly when she was inspired to write Frankenstein.

Ascension of the Cybermen by Chris Chibnall
You have no superiors, no inferiors, no reinforcements, no hope, no rescue...

In the far future, the last of the Cybermen are hunting down human refugees seeking sanctuary.

The Timeless Children by Chris Chibnall
How far, Doctor? How long have you lived? Back, back to your beginning!

The Doctor and the Master have a final showdown in the burning ruins of Gallifrey.

Revolution of the Daleks by Chris Chibnall
I shall build a new race of Daleks! They will be even more deadly!
While Captain Jack breaks the Doctor out of space jail, the rest of the fam learn Dalek technology is being used to create new security drones for the United Kingdom.

The Halloween Apocalypse by Chris Chibnall
I mean, they don't all have ten heads and want to take over the world!
A benevolent alien kidnapping in Liverpool heralds the end of the end of the universe.
War of the Sontarans by Chris Chibnall
Sontarans... perverting the course of human history!
Having successfully-invaded Earth in 2021, the Sontaran's next target is the Crimean War.
Once, Upon Time by Chris Chibnall
It must be very difficult for you, trying to exist concurrently in two different time spaces. I know the problem myself.

Faced with enemies she cannot remember, the Doctor risks reliving her forgotten past.

Village of the Angels by Maxine Alderton & Chris Chibnall
Strange. A village without a future...

A rogue Weeping Angel hijacks the TARDIS to bring the Doctor to a trap... but for whom?

Survivors of the Flux by Chris Chibnall
You may have changed your appearance, but I know who you are.

The mysterious Grand Serpent works to bring down UNIT, the last line of Earth defense.

The Vanquishers by Chris Chibnall
Power-mad conspirators, Daleks, Sontarans, Cybermen, they're still in the nursery compared to us!

The last surviving empires make an alliance, unaware they're up against three versions of the Doctor.

Eve of the Daleks by Chris Chibnall
A time loop is, er, well, it's a time loop. One passes continually through the same points in time... Passes through the same...? Yes. Well...

A Dalek execution squad strike on New Year's Eve, but can they keep the Doctor dead till midnight?

Legend of the Sea-Devils by Chris Chibnall & Ella Road
I don't believe in mythical sea creatures either!

A long lost treasure trove is being sought after by 19th Century pirates - and not just human ones.

The Power of the Doctor by Chris Chibnall
Death is the price we pay for progress.
The Doctor's time has finally run out.

Moffat Era Summary

The Eleventh Hour by Steven Moffat
This crack has got larger.

Amy Pond's childhood imaginary friend the Raggedy Doctor has returned to her life - one hour before the world ends.

The Beast Below by Steven Moffat
Do you not realize that all progress is based on exploitation?

Starship UK is a space ark evacuating British culture from a burning Earth, but escape comes at a terrible cost.

Victory of the Daleks by Mark Gatiss
Daleks... I sometimes think those mutated misfits will terrorize the universe for the rest of time...

The Doctor fails to convince Winston Churchill that the Ironsides, his new weapon against the Nazis, are actually Daleks in disguise.

The Time of the Angels by Steven Moffat
How do you kill a stone?

River Song ropes the Doctor into hunting down a rogue Weeping Angel in a crashed spaceship.

Flesh and Stone by Steven Moffat
Good heavens! The gargoyle. It's gone!
An army of Weeping Angels have found the ultimate food source - a crack in time...

The Vampires of Venice by
Creatures that stalk in the night and feast on the blood of the living....

The Doctor is intrigued by a Venetian girl's school where the students hate sunlight, lack reflections but grow fangs.

Amy's Choice by Simon Nye
You're good, Doctor, but you're not good enough.

The mysterious Dream Lord forces Amy to choose between realities - and the loves of her life.

The Hungry Earth by Chris Chibnall
The earth is hungry. It waits to eat. I can see them. They are the appetite beneath the ground.

2020. An isolated Welsh mining project is attacked from beneath as a war looms.

Cold Blood by Chris Chibnall
This planet is ours. It always has been.

The Silurians have been awoken, but can a peace be broken with extremists on all sides?
Vincent and the Doctor by Richard Curtis
What's the point of travelling through time and space if we can't change anything?

A van Gough painting has an alien monster in it, and the Doctor and Amy want to know more.

The Lodger by Gareth Roberts
Do you know any nice people? You know, ordinary people, not power-crazed nutters trying to take over the galaxy?

Trapped on Earth, the Doctor moves in with Craig Evans while he works to reclaim the TARDIS.

The Pandorica Opens by Steven Moffat
There are some corners of the universe which have bred the most terrible things. Things which act against everything that we believe in. They must be fought.

The greatest prison in creation is hidden under Stonehenge is under siege by countless alien armies, while the TARDIS threatens to destroy everything. 

The Big Bang by Steven Moffat
Well, that's one up to me, I think. There can't be many people who can literally claim to have saved the entire universe.
History is in freefall, the past never happened, and the Daleks have finally killed the Doctor.
A Christmas Carol by Steven Moffat
It's not supposed to be an argument! It's a statement!
On Christmas Eve, an old man is visited by spirits from the past, present and future to redeem him.
The Impossible Astronaut by Steven Moffat
What's he up to now? It'll be something devious and overcomplicated. He'd get dizzy if he tried to walk in a straight line...

River and the Ponds are first recruited by the Doctor to attend his funeral, then must investigate a mystery in 1969.

Day of the Moon by Steven Moffat
Or did I really forget? I forget if I forgot.
The Doctor, River and the Ponds must free humanity from an invader they cannot remember conquering them.

The Curse of the Black Spot by
Avery's curse? You can have that for the sharks!

Pirate Captain Avery is trapped in his becalmed ship, under attack by a ghostly siren and running out of crew.

The Doctor's Wife by Neil Gaiman
Well done, old girl. You're wonderful. Wonderful. She's wonderful. Isn't she wonderful? TARDIS wonderful!

The TARDIS is taken over by an entity from outside the universe, but its consciousness finds a new body to occupy - a madwoman called Idris.

The Rebel Flesh by Matthew Graham
You're talking about slave labour!

Artificial duplicates of a mining crew gain their sentience after a freak lightning storm.

The Almost People by Matthew Graham
The time of our enslavement is over. We will be free.

The humans and their duplicates have gone to war - but can anyone tell who is who?

A Good Man Goes To War by Steven Moffat
The stories I've heard about you... The great Doctor, all knowing and all powerful! You're about as powerful as a burnt-out android. Our ruler has finished with you once and for all.

The Doctor strikes back at the Silence for kidnapping Amy and her baby, but he has underestimated Madam Kovarian.

Let's Kill Hitler by Steven Moffat
Look, this is your problem. Think about it. Psychopathology, huh? Why are you doing this? Think about it.

The true identity of River Song is revealed, and now the Doctor has to die.

Night Terrors by Mark Gatiss
Fear itself is largely an illusion. And at my age, there's little left to fear...
The constant anxiety of a little boy starts to warp the reality of the housing estate where he lives.

The Girl Who Waited by Tom MacRae
This won't do at all. We can't have two of us running about.

When Amy is caught in a time-glitch in an alien hospice, it takes Rory decades to track her down.

The God Complex by Toby Whithouse
The Doctor never fails. I've got faith in him. Complete faith.

At heart of an endlessly-shifting labyrinth, a mintoaur awaits its willing victims - the TARDIS crew.

Closing Time by Gareth Roberts
Listen, when you've faced death as often as I have, this is much more fun.

On the last day of his life, the Doctor decides to visit an old friend and fight an older enemy.

The Wedding of River Song by Steven Moffat
I never thought precognisance of my own death would be so disturbing.
The time has come for River to kill the Doctor on the shores of Lake Silencio, but she insists on marrying him first.

The Doctor, The Widow and the Wardrobe by Steven Moffat
All the vegetation on this planet is about to turn hostile.

An attempt to help a bereaved family at Christmas leads to revolt of sentient plants on the other side of the universe

Asylum of the Daleks by Steven Moffat
You do not understand hatred as I understand it. Only hate keeps me alive.
When millions of insane Daleks threaten to a prison-break, the Dalek Empire must turn to the Doctor for help.
Dinosaurs on a Spaceship by Chris Chibnall
The potential of the dinosaurs was never fully realized.

A Silurian ark full of dinosaurs is about to crash into Earth unless the Doctor and his unusual allies can stop it.
A Town Called Mercy by
You know you're fast becoming a prey to every cliche-ridden convention in the American West. 
The TARDIS crew are trapped in a tiny town besieged by an unstoppable cyborg gunslinger with a grudge.

The Power of Three by Chris Chibnall
Ten tons of alien material drift through space and land on this planet every day.

Overnight, small black boxes appear everywhere across Earth and both their origin and purpose are a mystery.

The Angels Take Manhattan by Steven Moffat
I always thought love was overrated.

The Doctor's time with the Ponds comes to a brutal end facing the Weeping Angels in 1930s New York.
The Snowmen by Steven Moffat
Prepare for a great darkness to cloud your mind.
The Doctor has retired to Victorian London but the Paternoster Gang have found a crisis worth of his attention.
The Bells of St. John by Steven Moffat
Mind you, I'm not wild about computers myself, but they are a tool. If you have a tool, it's stupid not to use it.

Finally locating Clara Oswald in 2013, the Doctor finds her targeted by a sinister menace lurking in the WiFi.
The Rings of Akhaten by Neil Cross
He's not the Great One. He's the Insignificant One.

The Doctor takes Clara to Akhaten, where lullabies keep an ancient threat asleep... until today.
Cold War by Mark Gatiss
We thought you were dead and then you came alive. What happened?

An Ice Warrior is defrosted aboard a Soviet nuclear submarine in 1983, risking World War Three.

Hide by Neil Cross
This house is exactly what you would expect in a nightmare. Yes, creaking doors, thunder and lightning, monsters and all the things that go bumpety-bumpety in the night...

The Doctor needs the help of some paranormal investigators, but they have problems of their own to deal with first.

Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS by Steven Thompson
The TARDIS, when working properly, is capable of many amazing things... not unlike myself.
The Doctor and Clara must find their way to the TARDIS's engine room before the time machine is destroyed.

The Crimson Horror by Mark Gatiss
You destroyed a whole planet to save your own skin? You're insane!

The Paternoster Gang investigate Sweetville, a mysterious gated Yorkshire community preparing for the apocalypse.
Nightmare in Silver by Neil Gaiman
Cybermen possess nothing that a human might want.

On an abandoned theme park world in the far future, the Cybermen recruit the Doctor to be their new leader.

The Name of the Doctor by Steven Moffat
If I were to take you back to Earth after you had died, it would be possible for you to see your own gravestone.
The Great Intelligence demands a final confrontation with the Doctor on the ruined world of Trenzalore.
The Night of the Doctor by Steven Moffat
I came back to life before your eyes! I held back death!
The horrors of the Time War finally drive to the Doctor toward Karn and a face literally worse than death.
The Day of the Doctor by Steven Moffat
Doctor... you saved Gallifrey!
The Tenth and Eleventh Doctors team up with UNIT to stop a Zygon invasion, but another Doctor also gets involved - whether they like it or not.
The Time of the Doctor by Steven Moffat
Well, my memory's not what it was, but one thing followed another and before we knew where we were, we were in the pickle we are today. 
The Doctor's journey reaches the millennia-long siege of Trenzalore as his final incarnation draws to a close.

Deep Breath by Steven Moffat
There's no point. No point to anything. Not ever.

Clara and the Paternoster Gang try to handle the very unpredictable new Doctor as an inhuman serial killer stalks Victorian London.

Into the Dalek by Phil Ford
It's not often I have the opportunity to watch a Time Lord squirm.

The Doctor is forced to help repair a dying Dalek that claims it has decided humanity are the superior species.

Robot of Sherwood by Mark Gatiss
You can't blow up a fictional character!

The Doctor attempts prove to Robin Hood doesn't exist and meets the robot army of the Sheriff of Nottingham.

Listen by Steven Moffat
You see, this is what happens when you travel alone for too long.

After a disastrous first date, Clara joins the Doctor in proving a theory he's had since his childhood on Gallifrey.

Time Heist by Steven Thompson
All I do is take a little from those that have too much and then I spread it around a bit.

An amnesiac Doctor and Clara must rob the biggest bank in the universe or die in the attempt.

The Caretaker by Gareth Roberts
How dare you! You stupid old man, you ought to go down on your hands and knees and thank us - but gratitude's the last thing you'll ever have, or any sort of common sense either!

When the Doctor goes undercover at Coal Hill School, Clara's normal life and TARDIS life collide.

Kill the Moon by Peter Harness
What's happened to you, Doctor? I can't bear to look at what you are now!

Events on the moon threatens to destroy life on Earth thanks to the Doctor's determination to prove a point.

Mummy on the Orient Express by Jamie Mathieson
Well, no, I get that it's important. An Egyptian goddess loose on the Orient Express in space. Give us a mo.

The Doctor's pragmatic efforts to stop the deadly Foretold might not leave anyone alive.

Flatline by Jamie Mathieson
Someone's got to be the Doctor.

With the Doctor trapped in the TARDIS, Clara is alone to take on forces from another plane of reality.

In The Forest of the Night by Frank Cottrel-Boyce
Seeds, spores and things. Everywhere. Getting hold, rooting, thrusting, branching, blocking out the light...

A magical, impossible forest covers the Earth's surface overnight but what does this event portend?

Dark Water by Steven Moffat
You're dead already. How many more will you let join you?

Bereavement draws Clara and the Doctor to the 3W Institute where the living apparently commune with the dead.

Death in Heaven by Steven Moffat
Life is wasted on the living!

As the dead rise from their graves, the fate of the world depends on whether or not the Doctor is truly a good man.

Last Christmas by Steven Moffat
You can't spot a dream while you're having it.

Santa Claus comes to the rescue of an Arctic research base under threat from alien parasites - but is he friend or foe?

The Magician's Apprentice by Steven Moffat
Doctor, you do disappoint me. We Time Lords are expected to face death with dignity.

The Doctor is willingly walking to his doom, as penance for committing a terrible crime.

The Witch's Familiar by Steven Moffat
Aw, poor Davros!

A dying Davros offers the Doctor one last chance to prove that mercy is a weakness.

Under the Lake by Toby Whithouse
Well, there are many different kinds of ghosts, Jo. Ghosts from the past and ghosts from the future.

The Doctor and Clara find an underwater UNIT base under siege from axe-wielding ghosts.

Before the Flood by Toby Whithouse
The Doctor chose to involve himself. Soon he will be a Time Lord no longer. That is his reward for compassion.

Journeying back in time to solve a mystery, the Doctor discovers he is destined to die.

The Girl Who Died by Jamie Mathieson
I'm under moral obligation. It's this village. I feel that I might be responsible for it's destruction, and therefore I must at least try and avoid this!

Alien mercenaries are about to destroy a village of peasants, but the Doctor and Clara stand in their way.

The Woman Who Lived by Catherine Tregenna
I feel my mind slipping into a bottomless pit of gloom and despair...

The Doctor teams up with a highwayman to find an alien artifact, and learns he has made a new enemy.

The Zygon Invasion by Peter Harness
Unless you learn to live together, there is no future for you.

The peace treaty between humanity and the Zygons begins to break down.

The Zygon Inversion by Peter Harness
Why begin a long and bloody war where thousands will be killed on both sides?

With the radicalized Zygons gaining the upper hand, only the mysterious Osgood Box can stop them now.

Sleep No More by Mark Gatiss
They're the new species, you see, taking over from homo sapiens. Man's had his day. Finished now. All we can do is marvel at the creatures who are taking our place.

A scientist working on sleep-compression unwittingly creates a new, unstoppable predator.

Face the Raven by Sarah Dollard
I only have one life. Could you remember that?

The Doctor and Clara's luck runs out in an alien refugee camp hidden in Central London.

Heaven Sent by Steven Moffat
We are not alone. We are not the first. We are not alone.

The Doctor is imprisoned in castle and stalked by a monster from his nightmares.

Hell-Bent by Steven Moffat
I thought I was just a survivor, but I'm not. I'm the winner. That's who I am. The Time Lord Victorious.

Waking up with amnesia in Utah, the Doctor tries to recall his conquest of Gallifrey and the end of the universe.

The Husbands of River Song by Steven Moffat
The last time I saw you, you turned up on my doorstep, with a new haircut and a suit. You took me to Darillium to see the Singing Towers. What a night that was. The Towers sang, and you cried...

Intending to use the TARDIS as a getaway vehicle in her latest con, River meets a Doctor she doesn't recognize.

The Return of Dr. Mysterio by Steven Moffat
That's the last piece of luck anyone on this rock will ever have!

The Doctor and Nardole's efforts to stop an alien invasion lead to them meeting a genuine superhero, the Ghost.

The Pilot by Steven Moffat
It's the oldest story in the universe, this one or any other. This isn't a ghost story, it's a love story!

When something unearthly consumes her girlfriend, Bill Potts turns to her tutor, the Doctor, for help.

Smile by Frank Cottrel-Boyce
Smiling all the time, smiling when it doesn't mean anything...

Visiting a colony in the distant future, the Doctor and Bill meet a race of robots that murder anyone unhappy.

Thin Ice by Sarah Dollard
Honestly, Doctor, and after that long talk you gave me about not meddling with history? You ought to be ashamed of yourself!

The last of the great frost fairs is being used as an excuse to feed human beings to a monster living in the Thames.

Knock Knock by Mike Bartlett
An old, empty house full of noises. Evil. Things I didn't understand. Undercurrents.

When the Doctor helps Bill move house, he discovers her new digs is a literal deathtrap.

Oxygen by Jamie Mathieson
I've beaten you and I don't care what you do to me now!

The miners of the space station Chasm Forge are under attack from their own spacesuits.

Extremis by Steven Moffat
This isn't Earth. This isn't real wood. These are not real trees. And you're not the real Sarah!

The Catholic Church summons the Doctor to help prevent the release of a book that drives its readers to suicide.

The Pyramid at the End of the World by Peter Harness
We cannot make war, we are not able. Flight is impossible, we have nowhere to hide. And submission? To what?

Earth will be destroyed within 24 hours unless humanity allow an alien force to take over the planet.

The Lie of the Land by Toby Whithouse
We are not fighting an alien invasion, we're leading a revolution. And today, the battle begins.

The Doctor discovers the only way to defeat fake news is to sacrifice his friend's life.

The Empress of Mars by Mark Gatiss
You check your history books before you decide what people deserve!

The British Empire helps return a Martian home, but will the Ice Warriors accept being ruled by Queen Victoria?

The Eaters of Light by Rona Munro
No one is safe, no one is innocent. Not a war between armies nor a war between nations, but just death, death gone mad. Is this honour? Is this war? Are these the weapons you would use?

The Doctor, Bill and Nardole discover the truth behind the mystery of the lost Roman legion to their cost.

World Enough And Time by Steven Moffat
This all started out as a way of prolonging life.

An injured Bill is trapped in a dying city where people are slowly turning themselves into Cybermen.

The Doctor Falls by Steven Moffat
Between you and me, I haven't got a plan. No idea. No way out.

To save the last unconverted Mondasians, the dying Doctor must ally himself with two incarnations of the Master.

Twice Upon A Time by Steven Moffat
All those things you've been ready to die for. I thought for a moment there you'd finally found something worth living for.

Two Doctors contemplating death are distracted by a glass woman abducting people from history.

RTD Era Summary

Rose by Russell T Davies
An alien who travels through time and space in a police box? 

Rose Tyler's world has been turned upside down as she encounters a deadly race of living plastic mannequins and the mysterious Doctor who stands between them and victory over humanity.

The End of the World by Russell T Davies
When dawn comes this planet explodes like a bomb.
After 5 Billion years, the Earth faces its final destruction and among those standing witness is a murderer...
The Unquiet Dead by Mark Gatiss
Either that or I'm talking to a couple of ghosts - and I don't believe in ghosts.

It's the night before Christmas, the spirits of beyond are animating corpses and Charles Dickens finally meets his biggest fan.
Aliens of London by Russell T Davies
You can't rule a world in hiding. You've got to come out onto the balcony sometimes and wave a tentacle.
A UFO has crashed into Big Ben and the Prime Minister has vanished, but it's not the end of the world. Is it?
World War III by Russell T Davies
The whole planet will become one vast molten mass of radioactive material, the fuel store for their fleet!
The Slitheen control Number 10 and to stop them, the Doctor must get help from the two people who hate him most.

Dalek by Robert Shearman
Oh, blimey, you don't half make mountains, don't you? One Dalek?
Henry Van Statten keeps a living alien specimen prisoner in an underground vault, but now it has escaped.

The Long Game by Russell T Davies
Never believe what you read in the newspapers.

In the year 200,000 Satellite 5 controls all the news for the Human Empire but are they truly beyond bias?
Father's Day by Paul Cornell
There are some rules that cannot be broken even with the TARDIS!

Rose's father died alone and afraid, but now she can change that. But she's hardly going to stop there...

The Empty Child by Steven Moffat
In a funny way, he reminds me of a sort of younger you...
Rose meets Captain Jack Harkness, a man seemingly better-qualified for space-time adventures than the Doctor...
The Doctor Dances by Steven Moffat
Sausages! Man will just become like a string of sausages, all the same!
The Empty Children are multiplying across humanity and discovering why might be enough to stop them.

Boomtown by Russell T Davies
We know you of old, you will not kill. Come then, look me in the eye. End my life.
The Doctor catches up with a surviving Slitheen criminal, which means he is responsible for her final fate.
Bad Wolf by Russell T Davies
The cameras are still functioning. Let the show begin.

Aboard Satellite 5, reality TV has replaced news, and mankind is now ruled by the mysterious Bad Wolf Corporation.
The Parting of the Ways by Russell T Davies 
I am to become a Dalek. We are all to become Daleks.
The insane Dalek Emperor has created a new race of Daleks and to stop them, the Doctor must sacrifice himself and all his allies - but can he bring himself to risk Rose's life?
Born Again by Russell T Davies
You travel with a Time Lord and know nothing of metamorphosis?
Rose Tyler meets a stranger claiming to her best friend in a brand new body, but is he telling the truth?
The Christmas Invasion by Russell T Davies
This is a struggle for power, matter over mind. I'm convinced all these people have all been overcome in this struggle and goodness knows how many more!

Christmas 2006. As the Tylers try to protect the new Doctor from scavengers on the Powell Estate, the mighty Sycorax use the Guinevere space probe to take over the human race through their very blood types.
Attack of the Graske by Gareth Roberts
Ew. Bodysnatchers.

The Doctor discovers aliens loose on Christmas Night, and he needs your help to stop them.
New Earth by Russell T Davies
Well I do know one thing: a new disease starts, people disappear and then you turn up!
The Sisters of Plentitude of New New York can cure every disease - but the cures don't come without a price.
Tooth and Claw by Russell T Davies
The British Empire's an anarchic mess. I can provide a new order.
Queen Victoria is forced to take shelter in a Scottish manor named Torchwood House, but is this safe haven is a trap?

School Reunion by Toby Whithouse
Oh, Sarah... Don't you forget me.
UFO sightings at a school with unreasonably-smart pupils draws the attention of more than just the Doctor.
The Girl In The Fireplace by Steven Moffat
I can't condone this foolishness! But then, love has never been known for its rationality...
The Doctor protects Madame Du Pompadour from the 51st Century clockwork robots stalking her life.

Rise of the Cybermen by Tom MacCrae
It is a foregone conclusion. You are wasting time.
Falling through a hole in time, the TARDIS arrives in a parallel universe where an old enemy is being reborn.
The Age of Steel by Tom MacCrae
We will survive. Now you will help us. You will become the first of a new race of Cybermen. 
Cybus Industries is upgrading the mankind into Human 2.0, whether they like it or not...
The Idiot's Lantern by Mark Gatiss
Keep it confused, feed it with useless information... I wonder if I have a television set handy?
The Queen's coronation in 1953 was the biggest TV event so far, and a smorgasbord for an alien predator.

The Impossible Planet by Matt Jones
But why? What good is a black hole to anyone?
On a dead planet circling a black hole, the Torchwood Archive are determined to find answers at any cost.
The Satan Pit by Matt Jones
Satan, Lucifer, the Prince of Darkness, Beelzebub, the Horned Beast... Call him what you like, he was there!

As the possessed Ood drive the humans off Krop Tor, the Doctor takes a literal leap of faith to discover the truth.

Love & Monsters by Russell T Davies
I'm known on the Earth. It might be very awkward for me!
Elton Pope needs to discover the truth about the mysterious Doctor, but he's not the only one on that quest.
Fear Her by Matthew Graham
How odd. I usually get on terribly well with children.
A lonely girl named Chloe Webber knows why people are disappearing, including the Doctor.

Army of Ghosts by Russell T Davies
The crime we are committing in the name of science will make us infamous - that's assuming there's anyone left to pass judgement...
The Torchwood Institute's experiments cause spectral figures to appear in their thousands across the globe.

Doomsday by Russell T Davies
Their mutual destruction will be music in our ears. Unlike others, it is not power we seek, but destruction that we glory in!
As the Daleks and the Cybermen go to war, Earth is about to be caught in the crossfire.

The Runaway Bride by Russell T Davies
You don't deserve any explanations. You pushed your way in here, uninvited and unwelcome.

Donna Noble inexplicably vanishes from her Christmas Eve wedding to reappear inside the TARDIS.
Smith & Jones by Russell T Davies
Please, you must help me - you're a doctor!

Martha Jones is a medical student stuck on the moon, caught between rhino space police hunting a vampire and only a man called John Smith can make sense of it all.

The Shakespeare Code by Gareth Roberts
I met him once, you know, Shakespeare. Charming fellow. Dreadful actor. 
1599: Shakespeare's new play, Loves Labours Won, is being backed by a trio of witches.

Gridlock by Russell T Davies
There is no such thing as Macra! Macra do not exist! THERE ARE NO MACRA!

The underground motorway of New Earth is caught in an eternal post-apocalyptic traffic jam.
The Daleks Take Manhattan by Helen Raynor
The Daleks are my creation. If necessary, I shall genetically re-engineer them.

The last four Daleks in the universe are starting anew in the New York sewers of 1930.

Evolution of the Daleks by Helen Raynor
Our race will survive if it deserves to survive, but let it have all the strengths and weaknesses that we have. Compassion and hate. Let it do good things and evil. But we cannot let it become an unfeeling, heartless machine.

In order to prevent bloodshed and genocide, the Doctor must work to save the Daleks from extinction.

The Lazarus Experiment by Stephen Greenhorn
You are pathetic. I condemn you to everlasting life!

Richard Lazarus has discovered the secret to eternal youth and is willing to pay the terrible price.

42 by Chris Chibnall
Fools. Do they really think they'll be allowed to leave with this on board?

When the Doctor and Martha answer a distress call, they find a mysterious force will now allow them to stop the crippled SS Pentalion from falling into a sun.

The Infinite Quest by Alan Barnes
Treasure? What treasure? You don't want to go believing in myths and legends, Doctor.

Space pirates are being hunted down to locate clues to the ultimate treasure trove.

Human Nature by Paul Cornell
All we're doing is running to save our own lives!

English teacher John Smith dreams of being a fugitive time traveler called the Doctor.

The Family of Blood by Paul Cornell
That sort of blackmail won't work because I know what the consequences will be if you get what you want.
Alien psychopaths are after the power of a Time Lord, and John Smith isn't willing to die to stop them.

Blink by Steven Moffat
What I want to know is, how can a statue destroy the world?

Sally Sparrow is investigates disappearing people, DVD easter eggs and the Weeping Angels.

Utopia by Russell T Davies
You still do not recognize me, Doctor, but soon you will know me. Soon.

At the very end of the universe, the Doctor is confronted with more than one face from the past he thought he'd never see again.
The Sound of Drums by Russell T Davies
You make a unique contribution to altering the course of history. Hoist on your own petard.
Harry Saxon, the new PM of Britain, is making first contact with aliens. He's also the Master.

Last of the Time Lords by Russell T Davies
All or nothing, literally! What a glorious alternative!

The Master has had a year to rule Earth and build a new empire. Only Martha Jones can stop him.

Time-Crash by Steven Moffat
When you travel around as much as I do, it's almost inevitable that you'll run into yourself at some point.

The Tenth Doctor must convince the Fifth Doctor to help him prevent a temporal explosion.

Voyage of the Damned by Russell T Davies
If the freighter crashes into Earth with you on board, won't that make it rather difficult for you to carry out your task? I mean, you would be very crumpled...
A tragic disaster sends the starship Titanic on a collision course with Earth on Christmas Eve, but the Doctor suspects this accident is actually deliberate.

Partners in Crime by Russell T Davies
Like many scientists, I'm afraid the Rani simply sees us as walking heaps of chemicals.

Donna Noble investigates Adipose Industries' revolutionary weight-loss treatment.
The Fires of Pompeii by James Moran
Remember Cotopaxi? Mount Vesuvius? What about Pompeii? Surely you remember Popocatepetl?

When the TARDIS lands in Pompeii the day before the volcano erupts, the Doctor discovers the people are already turning to stone.

Planet of the Ood by Keith Temple
A long time ago, your ancestors accepted responsibility for the welfare of these Monoids. They were treated like slaves. So no wonder when they got the chance, they repaid you in kind. 
The Ood are a race happy to be enslaved by mankind, at least according to the company that exports them - until the killings start... 

The Sontaran Stratagem by Helen Raynor
My race has been at war for millennia. There is not a galaxy in the universe which our space fleets have not subjugated... I am an expert at war!

Suspicious of the sat-nav anti-pullution ATMOS devices, UNIT and Martha Jones call in the Doctor for help. The Sontarans however, are already one step ahead.

The Poison Sky by Helen Raynor
A molecule of five atoms absorbs oxygen... You know, a complete blanket of this would make the atmosphere of the Earth uninhabitable to the human race?

ATMOS devices are now choking the Earth with exhaust fumes, but why are the Sontarans so reluctant to fight humanity face to face?

The Doctor's Daughter by Stephen Greenhorn
The future arrives. The Children of the Generator will rise to claim their inheritance.

On Messaline, colonists both human and the fish-like Hath replenish their numbers with genetic clones and the latest produced is Jenny, taken from Time Lord DNA.

The Unicorn And The Wasp by Gareth Roberts
I don't want to understand everything. I want to work things out for myself.

When Agatha Christie attends a dinner party at a stately home, a series of brutal murders begins - carried out by a giant alien wasp.

Silence in the Library by Steven Moffat
Books are the principal business of a library, sir.
The biggest library in the universe has been deserted for centuries, and now an archaeological team is there to find out where everyone went.
The Forest of the Dead by Steven Moffat
A shadow of my past - and your future.

On a planet infested with lethal shadows, the Doctor must rely on River Song - a woman who claims to be a trusted ally of his future selves.
Midnight by Russell T Davies
It's not just death we're all facing. This place bewitches you. If we stay here, we shall become animals.
Trapped in a broken-down tour bus, the Doctor finds danger from both the creature outside and the passengers within.
Turn Left by Russell T Davies
An infinity of universes, ergo an infinite number of choices.
Earth is devastated, humanity is dying out and the stars are going out - all because of Donna Noble.

The Stolen Earth by Russell T Davies
Moving planets around is not for amateurs, you know!
Alien planets fill the sky and Sarah Jane Smith, UNIT, Torchwood, even Rose Tyler stand helpless as a reborn Dalek Empire conquers the Earth.

Journey's End by Russell T Davies 
It'd be more than just a loud bang - nothing in the universe would be safe...

Davros has prepared a super-weapon that will destroy reality itself, but just how far will the Doctor's friends go to defeat the Daleks?

The Next Doctor by Russell T Davies
You may be a doctor, but I'm the Doctor. The definite article, you might say.
In Victorian London, a man calling himself the Doctor is fighting an invasion force of Cybermen. But will his new friend John Smith ultimately be his undoing?
Dreamland by Phil Ford
We must alert the world to the menace of an alien invasion!

In 1950s Nervada, the US Military has more than one alien menace to confront with.

Planet of the Dead by Gareth Roberts and Russell T Davies
Sand, nothing but sand, the whole planet...

A freak wormhole dumps a London bus on a distant planet stripped of all life.
The Waters of Mars by Phil Ford and Russell T Davies
History sometimes gives us a terrible shock, and that is because we don't quite fully understand. Why should we? After all, we're all too small to realize its final pattern. Therefore don't try and judge it from where you stand.
The Doctor is on Mars the day the first human colony is due to be destroyed. Can he just walk away?

The End of Time by Russell T Davies 
A chain of circumstances that fragments the law that holds the universe together.

The Ood warn the Doctor that history itself is about to collapse as events converge to bring back the greatest threat the universe has ever known - the Time Lords.