Friday 11 January 2019

5 Minute Fiction: Ghost in the Skull

Melody regarded the document in her hands keeping her new face neutral. If these writings were what they thought she was, she was facing someone who knew her every last trick and gambit. She was good at what she did, but not arrogant. Even a ninety-pound weakling with no combat experience and thick glasses could defeat her if they knew her well enough and this Daria Morgenwhatever was showing a greater understanding of Melody Powers than any number of communist psycho-strategist units. Just how the hell did some misery chick teenager know all this?

Melody Powers knew she'd skipped a few years here and there in her endless quest to fight the threat of international communism. Her paymasters had realized she was simply too damn important an asset to allow old age to claim her as the years went by. When her body finally started to lose the edge, they had managed to transfer her living consciousness into a fresh body. Tactically speaking, getting hold of an enemy agent was the best - Melody had spent enough time among the Ruskies she could mingle with those spineless corrupt dogs in her sleep.

Five times now she had woken up in a body she hadn't been born in, five times she'd looked into the mirror and seen a stranger. Three times it had been a woman, which was two left than she'd preferred. Thankfully these corrupt commie bastards swung enough in different directions she'd managed to find some comfort before removing any and all of the witnesses. But this time? This was different.

At first she'd assumed she'd been lucky enough to infiltrate an enemy agent before chaos unfurled at some apple pie high school - but her new body wasn't a commie agent. The body's decadent and effete parents might have had leanings to Mother Russia's so-called bolshevistic chaos, but the most dangerous thing about this body was its combat boots. There had been a screw up at HQ. Was some proper American teen now sacrificed needlessly? Or was there more to this than she'd thought?

Melody had been certain it was some screw up with her superiors - until she met her body's best friend.

Daria. A girl who just happened to have written a dozen stories completely breaching any secrecy Melody had one possessed about her actions back in 57. The details, the descriptions, Melody couldn't have done better herself. How the hell did this Daria girl know all that? And why was she calling it fiction?

There was only one possible explanation - Daria was the body now being used by one of her oldest enemies, who had been "reincarnated" (stupid hippy expression) by the Russians using the same translocation technology that the US of A had pioneered after WW2. Daria was as yet unaware that "Jane" was onto her, which was good because Melody was well aware of how fragile her state was at present. It took months before the transplant took hold and Melody stopped being a dream in Jane's head and actually her. She would normally have kept her distance, waited until she was secure.

No time.

Melody stalked across the high school towards "Daria", ready to snap her neck and then run for it.

And then football flew out of the sky and struck her sharply on the head. She dropped face-first into the grass.

"Whoa," shouted the quarterback. "Sorry, Jane! Are you okay?"

Jane lifted her head, feeling incredibly groggy and unsure what year it was. The knucklehead Kevin gave her something to focus on. "Not concussed enough to fall for your naked testosterone, Kevin. Hit me harder next time, huh?" she grumbled, getting to her feet and stumbling over to Daria.

"You'll have to get your skull dented on the other side now, to even it up," she advised.

Jane rubbed the back of her head. "Might be a good idea. I had this crazy flash of being some commie-hating spy. Weird. Maybe I should lay off the schoolwork for a while..."

Natasha Ivanovich-Oblimov regarded the girl beside her thoughtfully. She had been sure Melody Powers had been translocated into Jane Lane to try and stop her work for Mother Russia, but it seemed that it was wrong. This was good. Jane Lane would be a true asset to the Party when the time was right, but in the meantime "Daria Morgendorffer" had to bide her time until the time was right to begin the uprising.

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