Saturday 9 April 2022

Moffat Era Summary

The Eleventh Hour by Steven Moffat
This crack has got larger.

Amy Pond's childhood imaginary friend the Raggedy Doctor has returned to her life - one hour before the world ends.

The Beast Below by Steven Moffat
Do you not realize that all progress is based on exploitation?

Starship UK is a space ark evacuating British culture from a burning Earth, but escape comes at a terrible cost.

Victory of the Daleks by Mark Gatiss
Daleks... I sometimes think those mutated misfits will terrorize the universe for the rest of time...

The Doctor fails to convince Winston Churchill that the Ironsides, his new weapon against the Nazis, are actually Daleks in disguise.

The Time of the Angels by Steven Moffat
How do you kill a stone?

River Song ropes the Doctor into hunting down a rogue Weeping Angel in a crashed spaceship.

Flesh and Stone by Steven Moffat
Good heavens! The gargoyle. It's gone!
An army of Weeping Angels have found the ultimate food source - a crack in time...

The Vampires of Venice by
Creatures that stalk in the night and feast on the blood of the living....

The Doctor is intrigued by a Venetian girl's school where the students hate sunlight, lack reflections but grow fangs.

Amy's Choice by Simon Nye
You're good, Doctor, but you're not good enough.

The mysterious Dream Lord forces Amy to choose between realities - and the loves of her life.

The Hungry Earth by Chris Chibnall
The earth is hungry. It waits to eat. I can see them. They are the appetite beneath the ground.

2020. An isolated Welsh mining project is attacked from beneath as a war looms.

Cold Blood by Chris Chibnall
This planet is ours. It always has been.

The Silurians have been awoken, but can a peace be broken with extremists on all sides?
Vincent and the Doctor by Richard Curtis
What's the point of travelling through time and space if we can't change anything?

A van Gough painting has an alien monster in it, and the Doctor and Amy want to know more.

The Lodger by Gareth Roberts
Do you know any nice people? You know, ordinary people, not power-crazed nutters trying to take over the galaxy?

Trapped on Earth, the Doctor moves in with Craig Evans while he works to reclaim the TARDIS.

The Pandorica Opens by Steven Moffat
There are some corners of the universe which have bred the most terrible things. Things which act against everything that we believe in. They must be fought.

The greatest prison in creation is hidden under Stonehenge is under siege by countless alien armies, while the TARDIS threatens to destroy everything. 

The Big Bang by Steven Moffat
Well, that's one up to me, I think. There can't be many people who can literally claim to have saved the entire universe.
History is in freefall, the past never happened, and the Daleks have finally killed the Doctor.
A Christmas Carol by Steven Moffat
It's not supposed to be an argument! It's a statement!
On Christmas Eve, an old man is visited by spirits from the past, present and future to redeem him.
The Impossible Astronaut by Steven Moffat
What's he up to now? It'll be something devious and overcomplicated. He'd get dizzy if he tried to walk in a straight line...

River and the Ponds are first recruited by the Doctor to attend his funeral, then must investigate a mystery in 1969.

Day of the Moon by Steven Moffat
Or did I really forget? I forget if I forgot.
The Doctor, River and the Ponds must free humanity from an invader they cannot remember conquering them.

The Curse of the Black Spot by
Avery's curse? You can have that for the sharks!

Pirate Captain Avery is trapped in his becalmed ship, under attack by a ghostly siren and running out of crew.

The Doctor's Wife by Neil Gaiman
Well done, old girl. You're wonderful. Wonderful. She's wonderful. Isn't she wonderful? TARDIS wonderful!

The TARDIS is taken over by an entity from outside the universe, but its consciousness finds a new body to occupy - a madwoman called Idris.

The Rebel Flesh by Matthew Graham
You're talking about slave labour!

Artificial duplicates of a mining crew gain their sentience after a freak lightning storm.

The Almost People by Matthew Graham
The time of our enslavement is over. We will be free.

The humans and their duplicates have gone to war - but can anyone tell who is who?

A Good Man Goes To War by Steven Moffat
The stories I've heard about you... The great Doctor, all knowing and all powerful! You're about as powerful as a burnt-out android. Our ruler has finished with you once and for all.

The Doctor strikes back at the Silence for kidnapping Amy and her baby, but he has underestimated Madam Kovarian.

Let's Kill Hitler by Steven Moffat
Look, this is your problem. Think about it. Psychopathology, huh? Why are you doing this? Think about it.

The true identity of River Song is revealed, and now the Doctor has to die.

Night Terrors by Mark Gatiss
Fear itself is largely an illusion. And at my age, there's little left to fear...
The constant anxiety of a little boy starts to warp the reality of the housing estate where he lives.

The Girl Who Waited by Tom MacRae
This won't do at all. We can't have two of us running about.

When Amy is caught in a time-glitch in an alien hospice, it takes Rory decades to track her down.

The God Complex by Toby Whithouse
The Doctor never fails. I've got faith in him. Complete faith.

At heart of an endlessly-shifting labyrinth, a mintoaur awaits its willing victims - the TARDIS crew.

Closing Time by Gareth Roberts
Listen, when you've faced death as often as I have, this is much more fun.

On the last day of his life, the Doctor decides to visit an old friend and fight an older enemy.

The Wedding of River Song by Steven Moffat
I never thought precognisance of my own death would be so disturbing.
The time has come for River to kill the Doctor on the shores of Lake Silencio, but she insists on marrying him first.

The Doctor, The Widow and the Wardrobe by Steven Moffat
All the vegetation on this planet is about to turn hostile.

An attempt to help a bereaved family at Christmas leads to revolt of sentient plants on the other side of the universe

Asylum of the Daleks by Steven Moffat
You do not understand hatred as I understand it. Only hate keeps me alive.
When millions of insane Daleks threaten to a prison-break, the Dalek Empire must turn to the Doctor for help.
Dinosaurs on a Spaceship by Chris Chibnall
The potential of the dinosaurs was never fully realized.

A Silurian ark full of dinosaurs is about to crash into Earth unless the Doctor and his unusual allies can stop it.
A Town Called Mercy by
You know you're fast becoming a prey to every cliche-ridden convention in the American West. 
The TARDIS crew are trapped in a tiny town besieged by an unstoppable cyborg gunslinger with a grudge.

The Power of Three by Chris Chibnall
Ten tons of alien material drift through space and land on this planet every day.

Overnight, small black boxes appear everywhere across Earth and both their origin and purpose are a mystery.

The Angels Take Manhattan by Steven Moffat
I always thought love was overrated.

The Doctor's time with the Ponds comes to a brutal end facing the Weeping Angels in 1930s New York.
The Snowmen by Steven Moffat
Prepare for a great darkness to cloud your mind.
The Doctor has retired to Victorian London but the Paternoster Gang have found a crisis worth of his attention.
The Bells of St. John by Steven Moffat
Mind you, I'm not wild about computers myself, but they are a tool. If you have a tool, it's stupid not to use it.

Finally locating Clara Oswald in 2013, the Doctor finds her targeted by a sinister menace lurking in the WiFi.
The Rings of Akhaten by Neil Cross
He's not the Great One. He's the Insignificant One.

The Doctor takes Clara to Akhaten, where lullabies keep an ancient threat asleep... until today.
Cold War by Mark Gatiss
We thought you were dead and then you came alive. What happened?

An Ice Warrior is defrosted aboard a Soviet nuclear submarine in 1983, risking World War Three.

Hide by Neil Cross
This house is exactly what you would expect in a nightmare. Yes, creaking doors, thunder and lightning, monsters and all the things that go bumpety-bumpety in the night...

The Doctor needs the help of some paranormal investigators, but they have problems of their own to deal with first.

Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS by Steven Thompson
The TARDIS, when working properly, is capable of many amazing things... not unlike myself.
The Doctor and Clara must find their way to the TARDIS's engine room before the time machine is destroyed.

The Crimson Horror by Mark Gatiss
You destroyed a whole planet to save your own skin? You're insane!

The Paternoster Gang investigate Sweetville, a mysterious gated Yorkshire community preparing for the apocalypse.
Nightmare in Silver by Neil Gaiman
Cybermen possess nothing that a human might want.

On an abandoned theme park world in the far future, the Cybermen recruit the Doctor to be their new leader.

The Name of the Doctor by Steven Moffat
If I were to take you back to Earth after you had died, it would be possible for you to see your own gravestone.
The Great Intelligence demands a final confrontation with the Doctor on the ruined world of Trenzalore.
The Night of the Doctor by Steven Moffat
I came back to life before your eyes! I held back death!
The horrors of the Time War finally drive to the Doctor toward Karn and a face literally worse than death.
The Day of the Doctor by Steven Moffat
Doctor... you saved Gallifrey!
The Tenth and Eleventh Doctors team up with UNIT to stop a Zygon invasion, but another Doctor also gets involved - whether they like it or not.
The Time of the Doctor by Steven Moffat
Well, my memory's not what it was, but one thing followed another and before we knew where we were, we were in the pickle we are today. 
The Doctor's journey reaches the millennia-long siege of Trenzalore as his final incarnation draws to a close.

Deep Breath by Steven Moffat
There's no point. No point to anything. Not ever.

Clara and the Paternoster Gang try to handle the very unpredictable new Doctor as an inhuman serial killer stalks Victorian London.

Into the Dalek by Phil Ford
It's not often I have the opportunity to watch a Time Lord squirm.

The Doctor is forced to help repair a dying Dalek that claims it has decided humanity are the superior species.

Robot of Sherwood by Mark Gatiss
You can't blow up a fictional character!

The Doctor attempts prove to Robin Hood doesn't exist and meets the robot army of the Sheriff of Nottingham.

Listen by Steven Moffat
You see, this is what happens when you travel alone for too long.

After a disastrous first date, Clara joins the Doctor in proving a theory he's had since his childhood on Gallifrey.

Time Heist by Steven Thompson
All I do is take a little from those that have too much and then I spread it around a bit.

An amnesiac Doctor and Clara must rob the biggest bank in the universe or die in the attempt.

The Caretaker by Gareth Roberts
How dare you! You stupid old man, you ought to go down on your hands and knees and thank us - but gratitude's the last thing you'll ever have, or any sort of common sense either!

When the Doctor goes undercover at Coal Hill School, Clara's normal life and TARDIS life collide.

Kill the Moon by Peter Harness
What's happened to you, Doctor? I can't bear to look at what you are now!

Events on the moon threatens to destroy life on Earth thanks to the Doctor's determination to prove a point.

Mummy on the Orient Express by Jamie Mathieson
Well, no, I get that it's important. An Egyptian goddess loose on the Orient Express in space. Give us a mo.

The Doctor's pragmatic efforts to stop the deadly Foretold might not leave anyone alive.

Flatline by Jamie Mathieson
Someone's got to be the Doctor.

With the Doctor trapped in the TARDIS, Clara is alone to take on forces from another plane of reality.

In The Forest of the Night by Frank Cottrel-Boyce
Seeds, spores and things. Everywhere. Getting hold, rooting, thrusting, branching, blocking out the light...

A magical, impossible forest covers the Earth's surface overnight but what does this event portend?

Dark Water by Steven Moffat
You're dead already. How many more will you let join you?

Bereavement draws Clara and the Doctor to the 3W Institute where the living apparently commune with the dead.

Death in Heaven by Steven Moffat
Life is wasted on the living!

As the dead rise from their graves, the fate of the world depends on whether or not the Doctor is truly a good man.

Last Christmas by Steven Moffat
You can't spot a dream while you're having it.

Santa Claus comes to the rescue of an Arctic research base under threat from alien parasites - but is he friend or foe?

The Magician's Apprentice by Steven Moffat
Doctor, you do disappoint me. We Time Lords are expected to face death with dignity.

The Doctor is willingly walking to his doom, as penance for committing a terrible crime.

The Witch's Familiar by Steven Moffat
Aw, poor Davros!

A dying Davros offers the Doctor one last chance to prove that mercy is a weakness.

Under the Lake by Toby Whithouse
Well, there are many different kinds of ghosts, Jo. Ghosts from the past and ghosts from the future.

The Doctor and Clara find an underwater UNIT base under siege from axe-wielding ghosts.

Before the Flood by Toby Whithouse
The Doctor chose to involve himself. Soon he will be a Time Lord no longer. That is his reward for compassion.

Journeying back in time to solve a mystery, the Doctor discovers he is destined to die.

The Girl Who Died by Jamie Mathieson
I'm under moral obligation. It's this village. I feel that I might be responsible for it's destruction, and therefore I must at least try and avoid this!

Alien mercenaries are about to destroy a village of peasants, but the Doctor and Clara stand in their way.

The Woman Who Lived by Catherine Tregenna
I feel my mind slipping into a bottomless pit of gloom and despair...

The Doctor teams up with a highwayman to find an alien artifact, and learns he has made a new enemy.

The Zygon Invasion by Peter Harness
Unless you learn to live together, there is no future for you.

The peace treaty between humanity and the Zygons begins to break down.

The Zygon Inversion by Peter Harness
Why begin a long and bloody war where thousands will be killed on both sides?

With the radicalized Zygons gaining the upper hand, only the mysterious Osgood Box can stop them now.

Sleep No More by Mark Gatiss
They're the new species, you see, taking over from homo sapiens. Man's had his day. Finished now. All we can do is marvel at the creatures who are taking our place.

A scientist working on sleep-compression unwittingly creates a new, unstoppable predator.

Face the Raven by Sarah Dollard
I only have one life. Could you remember that?

The Doctor and Clara's luck runs out in an alien refugee camp hidden in Central London.

Heaven Sent by Steven Moffat
We are not alone. We are not the first. We are not alone.

The Doctor is imprisoned in castle and stalked by a monster from his nightmares.

Hell-Bent by Steven Moffat
I thought I was just a survivor, but I'm not. I'm the winner. That's who I am. The Time Lord Victorious.

Waking up with amnesia in Utah, the Doctor tries to recall his conquest of Gallifrey and the end of the universe.

The Husbands of River Song by Steven Moffat
The last time I saw you, you turned up on my doorstep, with a new haircut and a suit. You took me to Darillium to see the Singing Towers. What a night that was. The Towers sang, and you cried...

Intending to use the TARDIS as a getaway vehicle in her latest con, River meets a Doctor she doesn't recognize.

The Return of Dr. Mysterio by Steven Moffat
That's the last piece of luck anyone on this rock will ever have!

The Doctor and Nardole's efforts to stop an alien invasion lead to them meeting a genuine superhero, the Ghost.

The Pilot by Steven Moffat
It's the oldest story in the universe, this one or any other. This isn't a ghost story, it's a love story!

When something unearthly consumes her girlfriend, Bill Potts turns to her tutor, the Doctor, for help.

Smile by Frank Cottrel-Boyce
Smiling all the time, smiling when it doesn't mean anything...

Visiting a colony in the distant future, the Doctor and Bill meet a race of robots that murder anyone unhappy.

Thin Ice by Sarah Dollard
Honestly, Doctor, and after that long talk you gave me about not meddling with history? You ought to be ashamed of yourself!

The last of the great frost fairs is being used as an excuse to feed human beings to a monster living in the Thames.

Knock Knock by Mike Bartlett
An old, empty house full of noises. Evil. Things I didn't understand. Undercurrents.

When the Doctor helps Bill move house, he discovers her new digs is a literal deathtrap.

Oxygen by Jamie Mathieson
I've beaten you and I don't care what you do to me now!

The miners of the space station Chasm Forge are under attack from their own spacesuits.

Extremis by Steven Moffat
This isn't Earth. This isn't real wood. These are not real trees. And you're not the real Sarah!

The Catholic Church summons the Doctor to help prevent the release of a book that drives its readers to suicide.

The Pyramid at the End of the World by Peter Harness
We cannot make war, we are not able. Flight is impossible, we have nowhere to hide. And submission? To what?

Earth will be destroyed within 24 hours unless humanity allow an alien force to take over the planet.

The Lie of the Land by Toby Whithouse
We are not fighting an alien invasion, we're leading a revolution. And today, the battle begins.

The Doctor discovers the only way to defeat fake news is to sacrifice his friend's life.

The Empress of Mars by Mark Gatiss
You check your history books before you decide what people deserve!

The British Empire helps return a Martian home, but will the Ice Warriors accept being ruled by Queen Victoria?

The Eaters of Light by Rona Munro
No one is safe, no one is innocent. Not a war between armies nor a war between nations, but just death, death gone mad. Is this honour? Is this war? Are these the weapons you would use?

The Doctor, Bill and Nardole discover the truth behind the mystery of the lost Roman legion to their cost.

World Enough And Time by Steven Moffat
This all started out as a way of prolonging life.

An injured Bill is trapped in a dying city where people are slowly turning themselves into Cybermen.

The Doctor Falls by Steven Moffat
Between you and me, I haven't got a plan. No idea. No way out.

To save the last unconverted Mondasians, the dying Doctor must ally himself with two incarnations of the Master.

Twice Upon A Time by Steven Moffat
All those things you've been ready to die for. I thought for a moment there you'd finally found something worth living for.

Two Doctors contemplating death are distracted by a glass woman abducting people from history.

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