Monday 31 July 2017

New Doctors, Classic Monsters

For pure nostalgeristis only...

Four Doctors, each traveling alone in the universe and each facing uncertain futures, find pasts they'd rather have forgotten are catching up with them...


Needing to psyche himself up to convince Rose Tyler to travel with him, the Ninth Doctor seeks a lazy weekend on the rural planet of Tara. But now the androids of Tara are fighting a losing battle against the ferocious wood-beasts who are on the verge of taking over the world. Can the Doctor end the slaughter in time? Just where are the Tarans vanishing to? And why, since he was bitten by one of the beasts, has the Doctor been so hungry...?


When a man loses everyone he cares about, their potential for mayhem is never greater. So no one who knows what happened to the Tenth Doctor at Canary Wharf is really surprised he's given up trying to defend the universe from injustice. But to side with the softly-spoken psychotic Bandrills and install them as the new Time Lords to destroy any surviving Daleks and Cybermen is surely too far? As the bendalypse warheads start to fly and whole species go extinct, the Doctor has no conscience to rely on but his own...


Keeping a low profile for the Eleventh Doctor would be difficult enough at the best of times. But how's the Last of the Time Lords supposed to make sure the Silence think he's dead when he keeps getting awesome opportunities to save the universe? Surely not just anyone in a bowtie and tweed jacket could defeat an insane Tythonian warrior unwittingly hatched on a pleasure resort asteroid? Because the only way anyone is getting out of this alive is the Doctor revealing he faked his death...


The Twelfth Doctor is a man without a carer and forced to rely on judgment he stopped trusting a long time ago. But even answering a distress signal on the ice planet of Myrotarn won't even go simply. A team of scientists exploring the Watersnake Wormholes have found their way from the Milky Way to Galaxy Two. And that means the creatures that live in Galaxy Two have found their way to the Milky Way. Who's the invader? Who's side should the Doctor take? And just what is in those delicious vol-u-vents?

Featuring the Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh and Twelfth Doctors (that's what we're calling them, get over it already!) and the Taran Wood Beasts, the Bandrills, the Tythonians and that goddamned terrifying scary-looking chess piece/Satan's Christmas Tree from "Mission to the Unknown".

Four Doctors, each traveling alone in the universe and each facing uncertain futures, find pasts they'd rather have forgotten are catching up with them...


The Thirteenth Doctor returns to Minyos II, a world like so many others ravaged by the Time War. Can the Time Lords ever make amends for their crimes against the Minyans? More to the point, what has happened to the descendants of the R1C? The brutal truth is that not all progress is forward, and evolution doesn't give a damn about having a happy ending...


An old house atop a hill on a dark winter's night hosts an awkward family reunion of 1920s aristocrats. Something is prowling in the woods, killing animals in a blind frenzy. A makeshift hangman's noose waits for a victim. And the Twelfth Doctor can't find his way back to the TARDIS. As the thing in the night besieges the mansion, the real danger might not come from the entity outside but rather its mysterious controller within...


The grey-faced natives of Inter Minor have stratified their society to the point where the working class are now a separate species of force-grown slaves. Although efforts have been made to improve working conditions, it's too late, too late. The time has come for the Functionaries to throw off their chains and take back their planet - but which side of the conflict will the Tenth Doctor take? Is there really an alternative to outright war or extermination? Is there always another way?


With the end of the Last Great Time War in sight, the War Doctor has one last duty to discharge before he does what needs to be done - find a way to get his friend Leela of the Sevateem out of the time-lock and to safety. But the TARDIS lands them on a world ravaged by Professor Zaroff's attempts to raise Atlantis from the ocean and humanity has died out. The Fish-People rule what is left of the Earth and they have no intention of letting the Doctor and Leela putting history back on track...

Featuring the War, Tenth, Twelfth and Thirteenth Doctors (that's what we're calling them, get over it already!) and the Fish-People, the Functionaries, the Plasmatons and the Seers.

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