Sunday 16 July 2017

The Emperor's New Predictions

I liked Capaldi. I think he's been the best of the new crop to be honest. I just don't like the show. Now we have a guy twenty years his junior (Kris Marshall) in the lead role again its no doubt back to panting in the TARDIS, a sexy Doctor and even sexier companions. One can only hope its the Chibnell era will be the final one for this mockery, a pale imitation of a once great institution. 

That's the great Ttellam Nyrok, proving once again that you really need to fact-check these things when you're dissing a show you refuse to actually watch. So, with the news of Jodie Whittaker as the new Doctor, we turn instead to Mark Goacher for the latest incoherent racist bigotry and misogynistic moronitude.

In fairness to Mark, he certainly saw the method of Chris Chibnall's madness:

Ok, I think I've worked out who the new Doctor will be. Alas, it will not be Adam Rickitt, If that were true I'd never stop dancing with joy and I hope people have the decency to apologise to me.

I've certainly worked out who the new Doctor is, largely from tonight's episode. It has been hidden in plain sight for the whole of this series. The term 'hidden in plain sight' has never been more apt. It is now obvious to me who the next Doctor will be, however hardly anyone seems to have worked it out and so the BBC have done a very good job at keeping it quiet.

The new Doctor will be.......... Pearl Mackie.

I believe that she was cast all along and Moffat came up with his audacious plan to introduce her as a companion first and then to have her killed off by being turned into a Cyberman . He may even have to finish her Cyber self off himself in the finale. Racked  (sic) with guilt because Bill died as a result of travelling with him, the Doctor chooses her appearance as the one he wishes to regenerate into as a way of honouring her.I suspect also that the reason that Kris Marshall is being touted as the next Doctor is that he has been cast as the new companion.

I believe that this casting decision, if I'm right, is a massive mistake. I don't believe that it will be announced either, you will find out in the episode, either next week or at Christmas.

Frankly, I fear for the future of Doctor Who after Chibnall takes over. From comments which he has made and hints of a female Doctor being cast in Moffat's Series 10 scripts, I fear that Series 11 could see:

- a return to mostly light-hearted comedy
- populist cultural references galore
- a female Doctor and 'comedy' male assistant
- less sci-fi elements
- no horror or scary episodes

These ominous portents show a return to season 24. I watched Time and the Rani the other day and it seemed even worse than I remembered it. Sylvester McCoy was acting like he was in a children's' (sic) pantomime. I hope Chibnall isn't planning more of that. They need to go back to the original 1963 format of mixing sci-fi stories with pure historicals.

If Chibnall does take the show in a more serious direction then this would be great. Prestige TV = good quality TV. However I do not favour overly complex story arcs . 

Furthermore Outpost Sparacus is a huge success (sic).

Last night, as the moment of truth approached, Goacher stuck to his phallic symbols. Er, guns:

Ben Whishaw could have saved Doctor Who. Sometimes the obvious choice is the right choice. Unfortunately I believe they've gone and cast a woman, Pearl Mackie. A mistake. The Doctor should absolutely be English and male because that is what the character is.

Of course whoever is cast should be given a chance except for a woman who would be the wrong choice for the same reason that casting a female as James Bond, Hamlet or Captain Kirk would be wrong choices. Or casting a man to play Wonder Woman.

My top choice list for the part would be: Ben Whishaw, Adam Rickitt, or Aneurin Barnard but I can live with Kris Marshall. He is clearly leading the way as the sensible choice. However my one reservation is that he is a comedy actor best known for that awful My Family. Drama is the most important acting skill; any pillock can do do comedy, it takes very little skill. Look at Jon Pertwee.

And then they cast the new Doctor - but don't expect the Emperor to be impressed.

Or even spell her name correctly.

There you go. Its (sic) a woman. And in an absolutely terrible costume. Like they aren't taking it seriously.

This news is totally wrong, completely inappropriate and beginning of the the end of the show. This totally inappropriate choice is a stupid and misguided PC decision which should cost Chibnall his job! He is a mediocre writer whose back catalogue of scripts are worse than those of Moffat! Couple this with a young female as the Doctor (essentially a new character) and you have a recipe for failure!

I am angry about this. Jodie Whittacker (sic) is not the Doctor! The Doctor has always been a male character and this will be a change too far for many viewers. She is a different character in a different series! This is of course very bad for the character which as (sic) always been male. Just as Hamlet is a male character, James Bond is a male character, Mr Spock is a male character, King Lear is a male character..... Jodie Whittacker (sic) may be a good actress for all I know but she simply isn't right for the role just as she wouldn't be right for Mr Spock.
Also Jodie Whittacker (sic) has worked with Chibnall before so one cannot escape the likelihood that she was cast as a familiar face whom he knows he can work with. Just BBC PC casting coupled with desperation to generate media attention! It is clearly a publicity stunt and while it is working in the short term if internet interest is anything to go by, it is the general viewer that has to be convinced! Will they watch any old tripe that is popular or in vogue or will it all rest on the quality of Chibnall's scripts?

The BBC suits won't care about fan reaction but they will however care when the casual viewers stop viewing - which they will! I predict that the ratings will initially shoot up for her first couple of episodes before declining rapidly. The viewers will switch off in droves with an inexperienced female actress in a traditionally male role and Mr. Chibnall who is not a good writer. Miss Whitackher (sic) is less interesting in role (sic) than her interviews on youtube and Chibnall is even more boring a writer than the whole Nuwho Moffat era and the absolute nadir of his Christmas specials!

I can do no better than quote uber-fan Ian Levine, without whom we would not now have some key episodes of the classic series which he recovered:


I can do no better than quote the instant response to Ian Levine:

"phew, thought the fandom was going to be stuck with you forever. Bye..." 
"Write a charity single about it, Ian! Doctor in this Dress!"

But don't worry, the Emperor is back on track:

Given the Prime Minister is pleased with Miss Whittaker, it is clear the Thirteenth Doctor will provide strong and stable leadership in the Whovian interest.

Presumably there will be a male companion. This therefore is the ideal time to cast the right kind of companion. We have had years of having to put up with young female eye candy companions for the benefit of straight male viewer dads who want a piece of skirt to gawk at. It is now appropriate that with a female Doctor the companion is a young, attractive male. Absolutely no way should it be another young couple like Amy & Rory. It should be a young, attractive male.

Adam Rickitt would be good. 

I have said many times that Adam Rickitt would be perfect for the role. Or Ryan Hawley or Aneurin Barnard. Adam is not stupid. He appeared on the BBC Question Time panel.

Aw. Bless

I've just looked on the website of the Daily Mail and found the article about the Doctor Who casting. Then I looked at the readers comments and clicked 'best rated'. The best rated comments are mostly very critical and negative. I know many people here won't like the Daily Mail but it it read by the general public ie casual viewers.

Well all I can say is that Chibnall seems to be going all out to annoy and worry Doctor Who fans, especially those older fans who remember the classic series. Obviously the casting of a female Doctor was always going to divide opinion. However he has now cast a team of companions who consist of Bradley Walsh, a lightweight comedian/game show host, and two Hollyoaks actors. It reminds me of JNT casting Sylvester McCoy alongside Bonnie Langford. Admittedly Sylvester improved and turned out to be not so bad.

However why on earth cast two actors from one of the most crass soap operas ever invented alongside Bradley Walsh? Any fool can see that it's a mistake. Of course some older viewers will virtue signal that they are not worried and some, like yourself, may not be. Virtue signaling does not just apply to equality issues, it is about staying 'in' with a group by making the 'right' noises. Again this seems very reminiscent of the mid-1980s. Except that the new breed of 'trendies' 'in power' execs are even more self-deluding and condescending than in the old days.

However many will be because every single casting decision so far looks highly inappropriate. Bradley Walsh was kind of okay in 'Law & Order UK' however he is an actor who struggles to get beyond being Bradley Walsh. Think of the vast range of very good actors out there that are more appropriate. As for the two Hollyoaks actors - the soap where nobody over 30 exists and where the plots make Neighbours look intelligent......

Lots of moaning about the range of opinions being voiced . I suggest that those who welcome diversity in casting but are shocked by diversity of opinion just read the comments section of the Daily Mail, Guardian, BBC or other news outlet websites. Not everyone "shock horror" shares your opinion. My own view is that there is no problem with ethnically diverse actors being cast as companions if they win the auditions, indeed ethnicity should not be a consideration. However there is a massive problem with casting people purely to tick a series of diversity boxes or casting female actors to play male roles or people to play characters of the wrong ethnicity. In 'Breakfast at Tiffanys' Mickey Rooney was cast as a Japanese landlord and made a mess of it. So why cast a woman to play a man?

Bradley Walsh is very good at what he does but he isn't the right choice for Doctor Who. Just as Ken Dodd or Jimmy Tarbuck wouldn't be the right choice. Appearing in a Netflix series and a minor part in a Star Wars film hardly qualifies someone to get the role of a Doctor Who companion.

Yes, we don't know what they will be like until we see them however the fact that this comes on top of them casting a woman as the Doctor and Bradley Walsh it all bodes ill.


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